Sound & Vision: The № 5105 is beautiful to behold and will be a statement piece that commands the attention of any room lucky enough have it, even before the needle drops.
10月 31, 2020

There are those marquee brands in the high-end world that carry instant name cachet and immediately call to mind cost-no-object designs that most mortals can only aspire to owning. Dropping names like Krell, McIntosh, Trinnov, and Wilson Audio lets fellow AV aficionados know you’re familiar with truly high-end. Mark Levinson is a company that definitely belongs on that list of names, and with the company’s 5000 Series of products, they are trying to make membership in the audiophile owners’ club a bit less daunting, and also attract the next generation of music loving audiophiles.
Stereonet UK: We were told that the №5302, as well as the rest of the range, have to survive Mark Levinson's own, in-house durability tests known as HALT testing (Highly-Accelerated Life Testing).