Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity: The № 515 had honest bass response, clean and transparent mids, and delicate, sparkly highs. It was so addictively [musically] that I became obsessed with it during the review period.
10月 24, 2020

The new №5302 amplifier ($9,000) and №5206 pre-amplifier ($9,000), along with the previously introduced №5105 turntable and №5101 streaming player, fill out the 5000 Series range aimed at allowing integrators to serve up a more affordable solution to their audio enthusiast clients. Both new products were unveiled in a virtual event for press and dealers.
Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity: The Mark Levinson № 585.5 integrated amp is a complete success in every area of its build and performance … it speaks with a clarity unrivaled among competing products.